Meet Kristen



Oh, hello.

I'm Kristen and I'm so happy to meet you.  If we were standing face to face right now, I'd genuinely be so glad we were together, but the introvert in me would be crossing every possible body part in the hopes that you'd talk first.

I'd offer you a bagel because I'm from NY and I never shy away from a good carb, but since I spent most of my life NC I'd throw in a sweet tea to show you how southern-ish I've become.

I consider it a personal act of aggression when people listen to Biggie Smalls or Tupac on any volume in the single digits. 

I love Jesus, my family, and Mexican restaurants that serve bottomless chips and salsa. Throw in some queso and I'm a customer for life.

I started Flannel & fringe for two main reasons.  Number one, I missed my family. I was feeling restless spending too many hours at a job I didn't love and missing out on so many of the people that I did. But the truth is, my family needed me to work so I committed to find a job that I could be proud of while still being home when my youngest daughter hopped off the bus in the afternoon.  And number two, like so many others, my budget for clothes and fun accessories is not unlimited.  I started with clothing, but have found a love for creating earrings and haven't looked back!

